

It is our core belief that our pupils learn just as much outside the classroom as they do inside.

We consider participation in clubs and activities an integral part of the King’s experience. There is an extensive range of co-curricular pursuits from which to choose, taking place during lunchtime, after school and at the weekend. We also offer a range of trips both in the UK and abroad to extend our young people’s horizons.

In addition to our comprehensive sport, music, drama and arts programmes, we offer an impressive range of activities centring around personal development.

Art & Design

Art and Design in the Senior School is stimulating and challenging for pupils. 

Pupils in both the Preparatory and Senior Schools are taught by the same dedicated Art and Design specialist teachers in one purpose-built building.
This provides tremendous continuity in which pupils in the younger years are taught precisely the skills and understanding that they will need to strive for in the Senior School. 

For GCSE, pupils are taught as creative individuals who will begin to pursue their own ideas and interests in the subject rather than be taught as a class unit. By
the time pupils arrive in the Sixth Form, teachers will facilitate individual creativity that is relevant to them, rather than direct the narrative. This approach helps pupils become individual learners and foster succession into higher education and beyond.


The breadth of musical opportunity is huge, with a diverse range of ensembles and events in which to perform. 

Pupils enjoy creative freedom and flexibility within their subject, and are encouraged to follow individual musical paths. Our team of 22 instrumental teachers teach lessons on almost all instruments.

In addition to our strong classical music tradition, we also have a lively series of Open Mic Nights and informal concerts. The House Music competition, which takes place in the first term, involves all pupils and is one of the most enjoyable and vibrant evenings of the year. Although some pupils pursue careers in music, many pupils pursue their love of performing at different levels.


Sport at King’s is for everyone, regardless of ability or experience.

Playing a prominent role in everyday school life, sport provides countless opportunities for pupils to build their confidence, take care of their physical and mental health, and develop their team skills. King’s offers an ever-growing list of sports and activities to choose from. Pupils in the Senior School enjoy four hours of timetabled games lessons each week. At A Level, pupils can opt to participate in alternative sports in addition to regular team games.

We also offer expert ‘strength and conditioning’ coaching and mentoring through a Sports Scholarship Programme, which supports athletic development and target setting for our most talented athletes. An ‘emerging athletes programme’ is also offered to some pupils in Remove and Lower 5th to help them further develop and reach their potential in a range of sports.


We are proud of our reputation for exceptional drama performances – from musicals through to Shakespeare.

Drama is focused around integration with the real-world industry, and aims to equip pupils with the skills and qualities, such as public speaking, so vital in many careers. In the Senior School, we offer support and guidance for pupils interested in auditioning for the National Youth Theatre.

We also run workshops for pupils studying at GCSE and A-Level with companies such as Frantic Assembly and Les Enfants Terribles. LAMDA and Public Speaking coaching and examinations are offered, as well as a tailored scholarship programme for pupils that want
to develop their skills further.