Our Facilities

Since the school opened its doors in 1998, Queen National School has been a success story.
The National system at QIS School has given its students a cutting-edge, reliable education for more than twenty five years.
Generations of physicians, artists, legislators, engineers, sports, educators, and businesspeople have proudly graduated from QIS School.
Since its founding, the school has taken great care to adapt its programs and surroundings to keep up with the times. Out of our belief that the school facility is much more than a passive container of the educational process: it is, rather, an integral component that improves learning and gives students a comprehensive experiential learning outcome; the school is keen to provide effective physical environment that is comfortable, safe, secure, accessible, well illuminated, well ventilated, and aesthetically pleasing.

The campus contains:

• Three computer labs that contain updated computers and systems where teachers are available in order to help the students whenever needed.
• Three science labs that contain modern laboratory equipment and apparatus to meet the requirement for teaching Science subjects.
• Two multipurpose sports courts with a variety of sports equipment that gives the students the ability to play handball, ping pong, basketball, football, and volley ball.
• Two well-equipped music rooms provide a variety of instruments including xylophone , keyboards and drum sets .
• Two libraries equipped with books covering fiction and non-fiction, magazines and newspapers. These were carefully chosen because they provide educational and instructive value for the students. Children are urged to take full advantage of these resources in order to develop a positive reading habit and satisfy their curiosity. Highly trained librarians oversee the library.
• Two art rooms where students are encouraged to explore their creative abilities and advance their drawing and sketching skills
• Home Economics room that is equipped in a way that emphasizes the development of students' knowledge and abilities to lead an ideal, healthy, and sustainable life through the study of two interwoven strands:
1)textiles and craft 2)food and health skills.
• A School clinic that is manned by 1 full-time doctor and 2 qualified nurses. Students receive routine medical check up, and each child has a health record kept. While the facility provides routine first assistance, any emergency cases are directed to the nearest hospital.