School Rules

1. Follow school internal policy.
2. Speak and behave respectfully toward staff and each other.
3. Respect their school by keeping it clean and safe.
4- Do homework regularly by themselves and parents should not help them in doing it. And if the student failed to do it, he has to return back to his teacher.
5- Come to school ready to learn, therefore they are not permitted to bring dangerous property from home.
6- Not to tease and use foul language.
7- Attendance is one of the biggest indicators of school success. Students have to attend school regularly.
8- Regular attendance is essential for a successful school career.
9- No credit will be given for classes missed when a student's absence is unexcused.
10- The school day starts at 7:45 am and ends at 3:00 pm, so students are responsible for being on time.
11- Walk quietly when entering or leaving the building. Running in the halls is not permitted.
12- Be honest, have a positive attitude, share new ideas and help classmates.
13- Students must wear the school uniform in all academic classes.
14- The student should appear always in a nice look so long hair is not allowed for boys.
15- Tie up long hair neatly with simple black ribbons, hair bands and/or hair clips for girls.
16- Students are not permitted to possess a cell phone for any reason inside the school campus.
17- Play cooperatively with other students.
18- Refrain from fighting and all other aggressive and violent actions.
19- Students are responsible for their actions and need to avoid physical or verbal aggression.