Preparatory School News Archives - King's School Rochester Independent school in Rochester, England Wed, 03 May 2023 14:12:53 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Rowland Constantine Shield – Victory Wed, 03 May 2023 14:09:25 +0000 Congratulations are extended to the Preparatory School General Knowledge team which successfully retained the Rowland Constantine Shield in Friday's IAPS District 2 General Knowledge Final. The team was in striking distance of the lead throughout, scoring especially well in the team rounds on airline logos, holy books, literary first lines and heroes and heroines, as well as showcasing impressive recall in the individual rounds. However, the team's knowledge of castles proved decisive as it snuck home in the final round to head the scores of Bickley Park, Hilden Grange, New Beacon and Wellesley House, winning by two points to defend the title. Well done!

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Congratulations are extended to the Preparatory School General Knowledge team which successfully retained the Rowland Constantine Shield in Friday’s IAPS District 2 General Knowledge Final.  The team was in striking distance of the lead throughout, scoring especially well in the team rounds on airline logos, holy books, literary first lines and heroes and heroines, as well as showcasing impressive recall in the individual rounds.  However, the team’s knowledge of castles proved decisive as it snuck home in the final round to head the scores of Bickley Park, Hilden Grange, New Beacon and Wellesley House, winning by two points to defend the title.  Well done!

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Ypres Battlefields Visit Fri, 31 Mar 2023 08:06:42 +0000 Year 8 pupils returned to the First World War Battlefields of Ypres on Friday resuming a tradition that began nearly 25 years ago.  

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Year 8 pupils returned to the First World War Battlefields of Ypres on Friday resuming a tradition that began nearly 25 years ago.
Beginning with a service of remembrance at Toc H in Poperinge located behind the frontline, the party toured the salient which saw some of the fiercest fighting on the Western Front.
Visiting the graves of two of the 69 Old Roffensians to give of their lives, the group also made stops at Lijssenthoek and Tyne Cot Cemeteries, as well as exploring authentic trenches at Bayernwald and the darkly sombre German Friedhof at Langemark.
Gusty winds made for a memorable return Channel crossing but these thoughts were subsumed by the sound of the Last Post signalled at the Menin Gate and the words of Sassoon’s verse read by torchlight at the grave of fifteen year-old Private Valentine Strudwick.

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Soloist Musical Concert Wed, 29 Mar 2023 09:14:41 +0000 A highlight of the Prep School musical calendar is the Soloists' Concert and this year's was a real treat for Staff, Governors and Parents. Ten pupils from Years 6 to 8 gave immaculate performances with a programme ranging from Tchaikovsky to Toy Story 2, by way of Frank Bridge and Kurt Weill. The countless hours of practice each pupil had clearly put into their performances paid off as singers managed to remember all their words and instrumentalists showed polish and flair in their playing.

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A highlight of the Prep School musical calendar is the Soloists’ Concert and this year’s was a real treat for Staff, Governors and Parents. Ten pupils from Years 6 to 8 gave immaculate performances with a programme ranging from Tchaikovsky to Toy Story 2, by way of Frank Bridge and Kurt Weill. The countless hours of practice each pupil had clearly put into their performances paid off as singers managed to remember all their words and instrumentalists showed polish and flair in their playing.

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History trip to Canterbury Cathedral Fri, 24 Feb 2023 08:56:18 +0000 Our Year 6 pupils took on the medieval pilgrimage from Rochester to Canterbury Cathedral this week. The pilgrims witnessed the murder of Thomas Becket and spent time creating pilgrim tokens and trying medieval activities. We are most fortunate to be able to celebrate Kent's rich history and visit two of the oldest cathedrals in Britain at our doorstep.

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Our Year 6 pupils took on the medieval pilgrimage from Rochester to Canterbury Cathedral this week. The pilgrims witnessed the murder of Thomas Becket and spent time creating pilgrim tokens and trying medieval activities. We are most fortunate to be able to celebrate Kent’s rich history and visit two of the oldest cathedrals in Britain at our doorstep.

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Music and Drama Workshop Mon, 20 Feb 2023 15:19:28 +0000 Pupils from Bryony School, St Andrew's School and Shorne Church of England Primary School visited King's today to enjoy our Music and Drama workshop.

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Pupils from Bryony School, St Andrew’s School and Shorne Church of England Primary School visited King’s today to enjoy our Music and Drama workshop.

It was an ideal opportunity for pupils of all talents to take part.

The children had a fantastic day with lots of acting and singing, culminating in a short performance for their parents alongside King’s pupils, featuring in the Senior School’s ‘Moon Landing – One Giant Leap’ production.

A fun day was had by all.

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IAPS Conference Mon, 16 Jan 2023 14:10:10 +0000 It was amazing to welcome delegates from The Independent Association of Prep Schools IAPS UK to their Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference today. This is something very important to us as a School and we were delighted to host this in collaboration with Rochester Cathedral.

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It was amazing to welcome delegates from The Independent Association of Prep Schools IAPS UK to their Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference today. This is something very important to us as a School and we were delighted to host this in collaboration with Rochester Cathedral.

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Cathedral Chorister Fri, 13 Jan 2023 14:58:01 +0000 We would like to congratulate Dylan, who was made up as a full Cathedral Chorister last night during EvenSong. What an amazing achievement Dylan!

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We would like to congratulate Dylan, who was made up as a full Cathedral Chorister last night during EvenSong.
What an amazing achievement Dylan!

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Toy Service Fri, 16 Dec 2022 10:46:35 +0000 Despite the freezing weather and the cancellation of our Toy services, pupils at the Senior School and Prep School still brought in gifts for the Strood Community project.  One of the coordinators managed to fill her car with toys, which will support around 200 individuals this Christmas time.  The project looks out for the most vulnerable families in the Strood area.

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Despite the freezing weather and the cancellation of our Toy services, pupils at the Senior school and Prep School still brought in gifts for the Strood Community project.  One of the coordinators managed to fill her car with toys, which will support around 200 individuals this Christmas time.  The project looks out for the most vulnerable families in the Strood area.

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Medway Youth Council Conference Tue, 12 Jul 2022 10:46:25 +0000 This week Ella, Daya, Herbie, and Mr Carroll were invited to the Annual Medway Youth Conference held at Midkent College’s GlassBox Theatre.

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This week Ella, Daya, Herbie, and Mr Carroll were invited to the Annual Medway Youth Conference held at Midkent College’s GlassBox Theatre.

It was great to see how articulate and eloquent the members of the Preparatory and Senior School Councils were. They engaged wholeheartedly throughout the day and represented King’s brilliantly, showing real compassion and consideration when discussing issues relating to those less fortunate than themselves.

It was also an important reminder on how privileged we are compared to some of the other schools in the local area.  One example was from a pupil who attends a pupil referral school.  He  talked about the greatest impact on learning being when other classmates deliberately throw items into monitors and destroy equipment that the school then does not have the money to repair, replace, or restore.

As members of the Medway Youth Council, Ella, Daya, and Herbie’s compassion, empathy, and kindness shone through.  Well done!!

If you would like more information about taking part in this initiative and being an ambassador for King’s at the Medway Youth Council, please contact Mr Carroll who can put you in touch with the Participation Worker – Karen Yusuf.

Mr Carroll

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Prep School Summer Concert Tue, 12 Jul 2022 10:43:45 +0000 Friends and family of the Prep School were treated to an evening of singing, playing and dancing on Tuesday, featuring an array of pupils of all ages, from Year 4's outstanding reprise performance of Captain Noah all the way through to the Senior String Orchestra playing extracts from Peter Warlock's Capriol Suite, unconducted!

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Friends and family of the Prep School were treated to an evening of singing, playing and dancing on Tuesday, featuring an array of pupils of all ages, from Year 4’s outstanding reprise performance of Captain Noah all the way through to the Senior String Orchestra playing extracts from Peter Warlock’s Capriol Suite, unconducted!

Highlights included the Wind Band playing a joyous rendition of Pharrell William’s “Happy”, the poised and elegant Ballet dancers’ interpretation of Adolphe Adam’s Valse from “Giselle”, Brass Monkey’s patriotic (and upstanding) performance of the National Anthem and Superstrings’ lusty playing of Skip to my Lou.

Special mention must go to the performance of an extract from Act I of Bizet’s Carmen featuring not only the Year 5 Create & Sing Opera stars but the Prep School Orchestra, featuring, in his debut performance in the percussion department, Mr Bailey – the first of many, we hope! It was a joyful event and a wonderful celebration of pupils’ hard work throughout the year. Congratulations to everyone involved!

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